LuxSpace, an OHB company, announces the release of its brand-new product OrbitSailor Explorer – a modern, versatile, and highly-configurable user interface dedicated to professionals who need a user-friendly interface for monitoring and analysing vessels behaviour in near real-time.
The OrbitSailor Explorer is an add-on to the trusted maritime services LuxSpace has provided for over a decade. The interface brings new innovative solutions based on feedback gathered from numerous partners in the maritime industry. The OrbitSailor Explorer allows users working in teams, tracking selected vessels, tracking traffic in selected areas of the world, and more. One of the key features is a configurable dashboard that users can adjust to their needs by selecting widgets and placing them in desired locations.
LuxSpace also offers an advanced API that can be used for building sophisticated systems where tracking capabilities are necessary to support business needs.
Both – OrbitSailor Explorer and API are available now. Visit to learn more about the OrbitSailor product lineup and check the free demo of OrbitSailor Explorer.

The view of the main dashboard of the OrbitSailor Explorer.